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They're also  legal advice vs legal advise. A complete search of the internet has found these results: legal advice is the most popular phrase on the web. More popular! Usually we use 'to offer' or 'to give' to talk about advice. For example: “He gave me some good advice.” Because 'Advise' is a verb, it needs to be conjugated to  20 Jul 2020 'Advice' is a noun meaning "an opinion or suggestion about what someone should do." 'Advise' is a verb meaning "to give advice to (someone)  Advise is a verb that means "to give an opinion or suggestion to someone" or "to give advice": I strongly advise you to sell your old car.

Adele is always happy to offer advice if you ask her for it.

20 Sets Of Words Which Sound Similar But Have Different

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Advice vs advise

Residents of Victoria's coronavirus hotspots should stay home

Advice vs advise

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Advice vs advise

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Advice vs advise

The word advice is a noun. It means an opinion or recommendation that is offered as a course of action.

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1. For each of the following, choose the correct sentence. Adele is always happy to offer advice if you ask her for it. Adele is always happy to offer advise if you ask her for it. When to use "advise" You can use "advise" when you need a verb that describes the act of giving someone a suggestion, a recommendation, or counsel. "Advise" is a verb that has both transitive and intransitive uses (in other words, it can be used with or without a … Advice and advise are two commonly confused words in English.